Leaders at Life

God is raising up and releasing a New Breed of Change Agent. These are ones that have Heaven's Heartbeat and Kingdom mindsets.

So many Christians are living life without a clear vision of God's plans and purpose for them. Each one of us has been given unique assignments to impact their sphere of influence, but so many can't figure out where to start or which way to go.

In the weeks ahead I will be making available a series of teachings and videos on the 3 building blocks of God's Change Agents.

  1. Communion & Stability - This is your UPWARD communion. Your first priority is to Minister to the Lord. It is your priestly mandate. To build a solid foundation of unity, faith and trust in Christ. To understand the heart of God, His ways and His thoughts. This is the One Thing to build a solid foundation that is unshakeable.
  2. Personhood & Identity - This is your INWARD transformation. Getting grounded in your relationship and identity in Christ. To come to the full understanding of Who you are and Who's you are. This will help further ground you in your identity as a Son.
  3. Influence & Authority - This is your OUTWARD impact. This is how you advance the kingdom around you. As you grow and mature in your communion and identity you will gain a clearer vision for your assignments. These assignments are part of the process of your unique purpose in the earth as a Ambassadors and representatives of heaven. It is your kingly mandate.


Check out our current list of Resources HERE





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