Word for Jacksonville June 25th 2023

jacksonville prophesy word Jul 10, 2023

While we were in the prayer room, the Spirit had me write this down. I was asked to release it in the service. This is for church in Jacksonville. We must learn to prophesy over our city. To declare and decree it into its destiny. The Spirit will guide you. 

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Train your Brain - Prayer, Meditation and Neural Pathways


There is power in prayer and meditation that actually trains your brain. it produces pathways that turn into highways of thinking that can be accessed and recalled quickly the more you do it. Set your mind on things above actually means to exercise your thinking. With all the things that occupy our minds we need to train our brain to be stayed on Him and in turn He promises that Perfect Peace. Is 26:3.  I hope you enjoy this weeks Snippets micro message. 

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Enter Your Labor of Love

Uncategorized Sep 19, 2021

When you do what you love to do, you'll never work a day in your life. God has designed you with a specific passion and purpose. It's time to enter your Labor of Love.

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Imagine the Apostle Paul posting on social media.


If the apostle Paul wrote a social media post, I wonder how many "likes" and "shares" he would get??

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The War for Peace


In the constant, ever changing world around us, we have to fight the distractions to remain at peace. check out this week's Snippets.

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A Sacrifice of Praise

Uncategorized Jun 23, 2021

King David set a new standard of offerings to the Lord that would soon replace the need for animal sacrifice. Aren't you glad? 

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Stay in Your Lane

assignment lane Jun 19, 2021

Finding your assignment may be hard to do if you are always looking at what everyone else is doing. Check out this Snippets Micro Message.

And if you want to get your own personal DiSC Assessment you can order it by CLICKING HERE... So much fun to have a friend or spouse take it with  you. Enjoy!!




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Do I really have to tithe?

Why should I tithe? Isn't that the law? We aren't under the law so I don't need to pay tithes, right? take a moment to check out this week's Snippets on Giving.
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An Attitude of Worship and Praise

praise worship Jun 15, 2021

In the Sunday morning hustle , when you hit those church doors we need to regroup, refocus and be ready to pour out our heart to the One who is worthy. Check out this weeks Snippets Micro Message.

CLICK HERE to get your free copy of 7 Expressions of Praise. 


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You Must be Dreaming

Uncategorized Mar 09, 2021

When you go to sleep tonight you will probably do something almost everyone is doing... Dreaming. But why are you having them and what do you do with them. Well, that's a deep subject. But in this snippet I will give you a couple of keys to help you understand a little more about them. Join me for this week's Snippet - "You must be Dreaming." Enjoy!

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